2022 Common Area Enhancement Projects
Redwood Trail
Install 3-15 gallon Arbutus unedo Multi in open area of slope and modify irrigation to cover.

Sequoia Trail Head @ Treeleaf
Remove all coyote brush and install 10-5gallon Little John Bottlebrush and modify irrigation to cover.

Common Area across from Creek on Month Mar
Remove 1 Mahonia & 5 Deer Grass and install 14-5 gallon Little Ollie Dwarf Olive bush and one 2x4 bender board by turf.

Common Area @ Rushmore
Remove all grasses & cerastium and install 15-5 gallon Little Ollie Dwarf Olive buses and 6-15 gallon Lagerstroemica Tuscarora and modify irrigation to cover.

Sequoia Trail Head @ Four Seasons Dr.
Remove dying manzanita and install 35-1 gallon Trailing Rosemary and modify irrigation to cover.

Common Area across from 4733 Monte Mar
Install 3-5 gallon Little Ollie Dwarf Olive bushes and modify irrigation to cover.

Common Area @ Wyndrush
Remove all deer grasses, block of manzanita at Monte Mar corner and isolated spots in planter strip and install 30-5 gallon Rhaphiolepis Pink Dancer, 20-5 gallon Nandina Gulfstream and modify irrigation to cover.

Molly's Trail behind 4712 Monte Mar
Remove all coyote brush along trail and all manzanita behind 4712 Monte Mar.