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Four Seasons EDH Recipes

Four Seasons Recipe Book

Zoe Meegan


It seems Four Seasons residents like to gather together, especially if it involves food or drink!  Sue Baughman and Debbie Parker have re-introduced the Potlucks and they have really caught on. After the first Potluck, I asked one resident how it went. His response was very positive, except there was one dish he wishes he had gotten the recipe for.


That’s just one activity where there is good cooking happening!  Anita Quick is in the Seasoned Stitchers Club and on community service days, she can always be counted on to bring a mouthwatering dish. And how about Tom Mean’s What’s Cookin Club, there are certainly good recipes coming out of that activity. 


Bottomline, we need a place to gather all these delicious recipes.  So, we’ve decided to make a vitual Four Seasons Recipe Book. Donna Sherrill has add a button to our website; all we need is for you to start populating it with good recipes! 


For those of you not comfortable with the Web, we will have a binder in the library with a Master hardcopy of the recipes.  You’ll just need to grab the Master and get a copy made at the front desk, remembering to put the Master back, of course! 


If you would like to add a recipe, either email or bring a hardcopy to the Lodge Front Desk and it will be scanned and then added. 


To get the ball rolling, our first two recipes will be Nancy Wold’s Mac & Cheese, which was requested at the last Potluck, and LuElla Fulton’s Winning Chili Cook-Off recipe.

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